Monday, August 27, 2012

thou hast been faithful over a few things

I have been in a very reflective mood lately.
God has done so much with the trials and pain in my life. He has helped me through them to draw me closer to him.
I know that it sounds crazy to say I am thankful for the pain, but where would I be otherwise?
If I didn't experience anything difficult how would I have compassion to pray for others. How would I have compassion to want to help others.
I would be without emotion and desensitized to the world. Complacent, apathetic.

I really want to do a work for God. I don't know where he is leading me. I just want to do his will in my life. I want to hear "well done thou good and faithful servant".

The line " thou hast been faithful over a few things" in that chapter is the key.
God gives us little things to start with, then he will give more as we do more for him.

I think I get impatient. I want to do bigger things for God. I was told by my pastor that God had big plans for me. I want to jump in and get to those things, but I am not ready. I have to start with what I have and work my way up. I get a head of myself. That's where my stumbling has been.
I want to do more but haven't learned how and fail to do things right, and then get too hard on myself for not getting it right.

One step at a time. One victory at a time.

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